Membership at Living Water
We are excited to have you consider Living Water as your home where you belong!
There is great joy in belonging to a local community of believers.
Church Membership is about belonging to a gathering of believers who profess their faith in Jesus Christ and commit to loving one another as they journey together towards Christ.
Members agree to submit themselves to the authority of the Bible, the instruction and discipline of installed leaders, and make every effort to keep the unity of the church. Accordingly, the installed leaders of the church and its active members take responsibility to build each other up in love
If this is your first time joining a church
We would love to properly introduce to you the Christian faith and who Jesus is. As you learn more about Jesus and about Christianity, we are all called to respond with repentance and faith. When you are led to respond to the gospel, the bible teaches us to receive baptism and join the church. So as you make Living Water your home, we would love to invite you to our Baptism Class and walk with you as you start your journey of faith.
If this is your first time at Living Water
If you have previously received baptism or confirmation and would like to make Living Water your home, we would love to invite you to our Membership Class where you will have dedicated time to learn more about Living Water, meet the leaders, and also give us a chance to learn more about you. Our Membership Classes are held on the last Saturday of every month from 9am-11:30am.
For more info on Baptism or Membership Classes, please feel free to contact
Pastor Daniel at 646-354-8420 or